The J.B. Blunk show opens tonight, March 12th and runs till May 15th.

A headboard with a place for a robe, a cup, and something to read

A Chair

This looks like a Hummingbird to me

There's something very tender about this piece

A Bed

Bed Detail


Beak, close up

“My way of working, the core of all my sculpture, is a theme, the soul the piece. Sometimes it is evoked by the material, sometimes it is an idea or concept in my own mind. It is always present, regardless of the material, size or scale of what will be the finished piece... Since I principally use a chainsaw to do this, it is a process that moves quickly. At times the cutting away and forming happen so fast it is almost unconscious… I suppose one could say I enter into a relationship with the material I am using and as in all relationships, there are opportunities for surprise.”
- J.B. Blunk, 1999
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